좋은 강사님으로 해주세요!!

NIL English의 모~든 강사는 높은 경쟁을 통과한 평균 경력 3년의 정말 '좋은 강사'입니다.
하지만 다른 사람에게 '좋은 강사'도 나에게는 '좋은 강사'가 아닐 수 있습니다.
강사의 발음, 첨삭능력, 수업리딩스킬, 리액션, 수업시간엄수, 수업스타일 등을 모~두 고려하여 '내가 원하는', '나에게 딱 맞는' 강사님을 선택하세요.

강사 상세정보

강사이름 Diana
전     공 Master's in English & PhD in Philosophy
학     력 Texas A&M University, TX, USA
전문분야 #Ph.D. in Philosophy #Master in English Linguistics
근무시간 6시 ~ 8시, 22시 23시

Hello Everybody,
It is great to meet you. I am a native English speaker. My name is Diana. I currently live in Texas, in the United States. I studied for 6 years at Texas A&M University, where I earned a Master’s degree in English and a PhD in philosophy.

I spent those six years teaching many international students and students with different learning styles and educational backgrounds. I enjoy teaching. Seeing my students succeed and reach their learning goals is very rewarding.

I like to make the learning experience fun and to tailor it to what you as a student need. Whether you are at a beginner’s, intermediate, or advanced level and whether you want to learn English for a job or education, I can tailor the learning experience so you get the most out of each class. Together we will improve your English language skills through practice and commitment. I look forward to being your English teacher and your learning partner.

* Diana's class

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