좋은 강사님으로 해주세요!!

NIL English의 모~든 강사는 높은 경쟁을 통과한 평균 경력 3년의 정말 '좋은 강사'입니다.
하지만 다른 사람에게 '좋은 강사'도 나에게는 '좋은 강사'가 아닐 수 있습니다.
강사의 발음, 첨삭능력, 수업리딩스킬, 리액션, 수업시간엄수, 수업스타일 등을 모~두 고려하여 '내가 원하는', '나에게 딱 맞는' 강사님을 선택하세요.

강사 상세정보

강사이름 Ana
전     공 Language, Culture and Society (Linguistics)
학     력 University of California, Santa Barbara
전문분야 #Graduation from a prestigious university #Major in linguistics
근무시간 21시 ~ 24시

Hello! My name is Ana and I’m 24 years old and I am from California! I recently came back from Pyeongchon in South Korea this March and I taught English there for one whole year to both elementary and middle school students. Right now I am back in the US and I am enjoying being able to go back to teaching! I earned my bachelor’s degree in Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. I am certified to teach English as a second language and I would absolutely love the opportunity to be your teacher and support you in your English learning journey. I speak two languages, English and Spanish, so I know how hard it can be to learn another language. Despite the difficulty, with practice and dedication, you can succeed! Let’s learn English together and let me provide you with as much support as you need! I’m excited to meet all of you! Thank you!

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